Define foam formation
Watch / Make meringue
Watch the animations
Fill in the gaps
Watch the meringue demonstration - I would like you to do this even if you are not making it as I will be talking through the protein food science we have covered in the last 2 lessons.
Cook a meringue (if possible)
Foam formation
Foams are formed when gases (often air) are trapped inside a liquid to form a gad-in-liquid foam. Gas-in liquid foams are produced when making recipes such as meringue and whisked sponge.
Watch the animation to fill out the chart below (if you do not have the work sheet please copy out the table and have a go at drawing the pictures too):

Foam formation also happens when you make a Swiss roll.
Fill out the chart below (if you do not have the work sheet please copy out the table):

Watch the meringue video, I would like you to do this even if you are not making it as I will be talking through the protein food science we have covered in the last 2 lessons:

I used golden caster sugar so my meringue is a little darker, your will be whiter if you use white caster sugar
You will need: 3 medium eggs 150g caster sugar (other sugars will be fine) Greaseproof paper or someway of stopping them sticking on the baking tray Whisk (electric may be ideal but not essential) (Optional) piping bag / freezer bag / greaseproof paper If you wish to make a pavlova, you will also need... 300ml(ish) Double cream Fruit e.g. strawberries, kiwi, passion fruit, frozen fruit
All the work that is coming in is great, this will really help you to complete NEA1 at the start of year 11 - keep it up!
Please email a picture of your meringue or a picture of your work.
Feedback: I will be giving general feedback this time and it will be emailed to you on Thursday
FAQs: Don't forget I'll be on my email (kconnett@taptonschool.co.uk) to instantly respond to questions between 12-1pm on Monday. If you can't get on to email at that time, please email your questions over the weekend and I will add it to the FAQ section here