Make the MOST of your TOAST!
Dear students. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day, and a hearty nutritious breakfast is vital to your physical health and well being.
In year 7 we start to learn about one of the five key food groups:
There are two types of carbohydrates: starches and sugars. Starches release energy slowly into the body, and sugars release energy, over a shorter period of time.
Q1: What is a sugar rush or sugar spike?
Q2: What happens after a rush of sugar – how are you likely to feel?
Q3: Is it better to eat sugary or starchy foods for breakfast and why?
Q4: Some carbohydrates, for example bread can be wholemeal – why is this a healthier option for you?
Individual task: Make your own toast topping:
· Type of bread?
· Moist layer?
· Protein?
· Vegetables?
· Fruit?
· Colour?
· Flavour?
· Aroma?
· Texture?
Family task: Toast topper challenge!
Will it be bananas or scrambled egg? The winner has the most nutritious answer.
Technology task: Design a breakfast that is packed with protein and high fibre carbohydrate:
send your pictures to me at ljackson@taptonschool.co.uk