Reduce the fat
Make the dish
Create a recipe card
Stretch & Challenge: Create a nutritional label
If you haven't already done so, please have a look at the project launch page to find out about how this project is structured:
1. Redevelop

(I will email and put the original recipe onto the learning platform)
(If you do not eat any of the ingredients or cannot get hold of any e.g. gruyere cheese then just swap it (to cheddar) for an alternative or take it out - I would still like to see your ideas)
Task 1
Look at the recipe above and identify the high fat ingredients (I have not given you any clues this time)
Then you need to find a lower fat alternative.
You can use your knowledge, google or log into Jenny Ridgewell to see where the high salt items are. (Instructions on how to access the program are at the bottom of this page.)
Real life insight: When I was reducing the fat traffic light I would swap to the lower fat alternative or take it out completely.
As you know I was doing a similar task with sandwich. I thought the easiest way to reduce fat would be to remove the butter. However, in a factory, the butter actually helps to sort of stick down the top piece of bread and keep it in place when it goes through the cutter. I didn't know this until i ran a factory trial and 150 pieces of bread were left on the conveyor belt.
2. Make & Rate
Task 2:
You will need to make your redesigned potato dauphinoise
Take a photo of your finished dish - try to present it well
Ask people to rate it with regards to specific sensory characteristics (have a look at the previous weeks work to find out how).
Stretch and challenge: present this in a star profile - can you find out how to do this on the internet?
(If you cannot get specific ingredients do not worry, I would like you to have a go at cooking potato dauphinoise)
3. Recipe card
Task 3:
You need to create a eye catching and easy to follow recipe card.
Stretch & Challenge: This could contain the redeveloped nutritional label which can easily be created on a nutritional program online - have you managed to get a amber or green traffic light on fat or saturated fat?
This project can be done on paper or on a computer. You can create a portfolio of your work however you wish. You may want to create a scrapbook that includes your working out and photographs of your food. You may decide to create a PowerPoint of your work. You may email me your work – you choose!
I will be setting weekly tasks and would love to see your weekly progress through pictures or documents. You can email me your updates: kconnett@taptonschool.co.uk
I would love to post updates and celebrate fabulous work on here, I will also be sending home postcards of praise.
All of your Paella work was of an amazing standard, let me share some...
These three look like professional photos - excellent presentation!
These two recipe cards are very well presented - they both contain the nutritional data too! Well done guys!

Please email this weeks work by first thing on Monday 22nd June to kconnett@taptonschool.co.uk
Logging on to Jenny Ridgewell
Log in details:
Username: taptony9
Password: foodtech
When creating a new dish I would title it:
Your Name Paella
So mine would be - Kalina Connett Paella
That way you know which one is yours if you want to go back to it.
Have a look at this video for more information: https://taptonfood.wixsite.com/mysite/post/jenny-ridgewell-nutrition-program