Welcome to the Tapton Food website
Your weekly project task will be set via this site: there will be instructions, links and video tutorials. This page can be accessed via your phone, tablet, laptop or computer, however many of the project tasks do not require computer access.
If you have opted to take Food Preparation & Nutrition this project will give you a great understanding of nutrition, food testing and modification work. The skills you will learn through this project will directly help you when it comes to Y11 examinations and NEA (coursework).
I have based this project on a real life job role in the food industry.
In fact, this was my job before I became a teacher. I was a Development Process Technologist for Melton Foods, a sandwich supplier to Waitrose. I was tasked with the redevelopment of many sandwiches and if you have ever eaten one from Waitrose, I have probably redesigned it in some way.
Food Preparation and Nutrition is a challenging yet fun GCSE course, I LOVE teaching it! If you have any questions about the course (or about the Hospitality & Catering course) please don't hesitate to email me.
Hope you enjoy the project,
Ms Connett
The project:
You have just secured yourself a job at Tesco head office.

You are tasked with redeveloping a range of ready meals to ensure there are no red traffic lights on the front of pack without a compromise in flavour.

Tesco are also interested in developing a box scheme similar to hello fresh. In these boxes you get the ingredients weighed and portioned and a recipe card.
This project can be done on paper or on a computer. You can create a portfolio of your work however you wish. You may want to create a scrapbook that includes your working out and photographs of your food. You may decide to create a PowerPoint of your work. You may email me your work – you choose!
I will be setting weekly tasks and would love to see your weekly progress through pictures or documents. You can email me your updates: kconnett@taptonschool.co.uk
I would love to post updates and celebrate fabulous work on here, I will also be sending home postcards of praise.
Your weekly tasks will follow the same pattern:
1. Redevelop
Each week you will be given a ready meal and recipe. Your first task will be to identify the ingredients that are causing the red traffic light on the label.
2. Make & Rate
You will need to make your redesigned recipe and ask people to rate it with regards to specific sensory characteristics set each week.
3. Recipe card
Finally, you will need to create a eye catching and easy to follow recipe card. This could contain the redeveloped nutritional label which can easily be created on a nutritional program online.
Your pre-project tasks:
Cook dinner for your family
Eat your meal and create a list of sensory words that describe it
Sensory language:
When we describe food we do not use opinion words like nice or horrible. We use words that describe the flavour, smell, appearance and texture of the dish as a whole or the individual ingredients that come through. Quite often sensory words aren't real words, below are some example to get you started:
This can be shapes, colours, visual textures, eg.
red, yellow, green, lumpy, smooth, rectangular
This is what the dish smells of e.g.
herby, oniony, cheesy, meaty
This is how the dish feels in your mouth e.g.
lumpy, smooth, grainy, soft, doughy
This is what the food taste like, you will often fin that these words are very similar to the aroma words because our smell greatly affects how we taste food, e.g.
herby, oniony, cheesy, meaty, spicy
So if I was describing my dinner last night of curry and rice, I would use the following words...
red, orange, thick, smooth, oniony, spicy, aromatic, fluffly, white.
Please email me a picture of your work and the words you used to describe it by Monday 8th June to k.connett@taptonschool.co.uk
Feedback for this task: I will send you a quick email response