Create a dietary program in a TABLE (question 3)
Justify your modifications (question 4)
You should ALWAYS answer this question in a table, I would expect you to turn your exam paper landscape and draw a table, copy out the table below and answer the question. You should make modifications to Mia's original diet.
Top tips!
This question is easy marks!
She is pregnant - no alcohol, no caffeine, no pate or liver, no soft cheese or cured meats, no raw fish. Pregnant women can now have runny/raw (in a mousse) eggs as long as they have a lion stamp.
She is pregnant so needs some extra vitamins - which ones?
Pregnant women do NOT need to eat for 2 (if she was in the final trimester then she would need 300kcal more, but she isn't)
Pregnant women are at greater risk of hemorrhoids...
Do NOT replace her wine with water - she will not stick to it
Unless otherwise stated always assume bread is white
Do NOT replace/serve anything with a salad - she doesn't like vegetables so you need to get adventurous about how you sneak them in
It has specifically asked for you to do a week day AND a weekend - there should be some real changes between the two days
Nurses generally work shifts - she is short of time
I would expect to see a fake-a-way
(Snacking is discouraged if possible, but she may need to eat little and often to avoid morning sickness - but she may not be suffering with it)
Finally, here's an extract from the mark scheme:
'The plan demonstrates in-depth knowledge of the nutritional needs of a 24 year-old women in the early stages of pregnancy. Menu is nutritionally and aesthetically balanced and a wide range of food commodities are included. How Mia’s needs change on a weekend has been addressed in detail’
3. Produce a 2-day dietary programme for Mia with 1 day being at the weekend. [10]
Question 4 can be combined with the table in question 3 by adding a justifications column, however you may miss marks doing it this way. I advise justifying each change you made in different paragraphs.
You need to justify the changes you have made with reference to the case study, so think about:
BMI / Weight category
Gender / age
Occupation and PAL level
Nutrients deficiencies in current diet with specific regards to pregnancy
Nutrient excess in current diet
Any other justifications you may feel are relevant
4. Justify your dietary plan in relation to fitness for purpose. [6]
I would like you to hand in both questions via email by 12th May.
Feedback: I will be giving generalised feedback and would like to share some of your ideas.
FAQs: Don't forget I'll be on my email (kconnett@taptonschool.co.uk) to instantly respond to questions between 12-1pm on Monday. If you can't get on to email at that time, please email your questions over the weekend and I will add it to the FAQ section here