Download the Teams app on you phone or laptop
Send me a chat message via Teams (kconnett@taptonschool.co.uk)
From the 1st June we will move to live lessons, please see email for more detail and to vote on the time of our weekly lesson. We will do a 2 hour live lesson via Teams and then I will set another hour of work for you to do independently.
Class timetable:
02/06 Tuesday 10-12 Revision session
08/06 Tuesday 10-12 Revision session
15/06 Exam week no live lesson
22/06 Monday 10-12 Introduction to Y13
29/06 Monday 10-12
06/07 Monday 10-12
13/07 Monday 10-12
20/07 Monday 10-12
Task 1: Download Teams onto the device you wish to have the live lesson on.
Installing/Setting up Microsoft Teams
Windows Computers - Go to https://products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app and download the Teams app. Once downloaded and install, login the same as you would into the learning platform.
MacBooks – Go to https://products.office.com/en-us/microsoft-teams/download-app and download the Teams app. Once downloaded and install, login the same as you would into the learning platform.
Mobile Devices
Download the Microsoft Teams app and log in with your school email address and password.
Further details:
iOS Devices (Apple iPhones) – Go to the App Store and download Microsoft Teams Once the app has installed login the same as you would into the learning platform. Select OK when asked about notifications and access to your devices microphone, this will allow you to receive notifications when a new message is sent on your Team and you will be able to interact with other users on your Team.
Android Devices (e.g. Samsung, Huawei, etc) – Go to the Play Store and download Microsoft Teams Once the app has installed login the same as you would into SharePoint.
Note. To use Microsoft Teams on a mobile device you will need to first enrol to the Trust security policy by downloading the Microsoft/Intune Company Portal App, you may already have this app installed if you use your school email on your mobile device. The instructions to install the Microsoft Company Portal App and configure will be included with this guide
You need to send me a quick message ('Hi' will do) via Teams please so I know you've managed it. I will say hi back!